Family Photos. William Martin Hillman, Verlina Hutchinson Addington, William Harmon Stull, Tempa Mills Hillman, Houston Hillman, wife Margaret Vicars Hillman and children, Charles Cromwell Addington appalachian world blog Virginia Surnames. Addington, Baker, Barker, Bunch, Cromwell, Dingus, Dougherty, Doty, Duncan, Gaddy, Green, Hillman, Hollingsworth, Hutchinson, Jackson, Lauderdale, McConnell, Mills, Napier, Newberry, Powers, Rawley, Sherwood, Stallard, Robinson, Vicars, Wells. Family Stories. We are interested in all kinds of Appalachian stories, but sustained narratives about the families listed below will get our attention.Our emphasis is on family stories; we do not usually publish family genealogies, though we can help to get such works printed through our services listed above. For a complete list of subjects we publish, see the blackberry world icon below. Kentucky Surnames. Allen, Ballard, Bingham, Carrington, Kendall, Mountjoy, Moore, Phipps, Slusher, Stull, Woodard, Woolum. Trees that grow on the mountain ridges, battered by the winds, have the strongest wood. Appalachian Region Map Appalachian information. The Appalachian Mountains run from Newfoundland to northern Mississippi; however, in 1965 the U.S. Congress established a much smaller economic area and set up the Appalachian Regional Commission, a partnership of 406 counties in the states of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Blackberry Hill Press, though interested in all of Appalachia, wants particularly to find stories and develop books from the states of Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia in the heart of Appalachia. Wendell Berry quotation. Wendell Berry, Kentucky poet, writes of “history passing through us, of generations overlapping, of the clasping of hands of those that go before us and of the hands of those who come after us.” In this interlinking of life, he suggests that we move “to a music so subtle and vast that no ear hears it except in fragments.” At Blackberry Hill Press we value those pieces of the human story. As Berry also says, “The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.”  By publishing the stories of our ancestors, we hope to make a small but significant contribution to present and future generations. new titles search Book Subjects. Civil War, Colonial Times, Family Histories, Folklore, Frontier Wars, Kentucky, Melungeon, Native American, North Carolina, Reference, Religion, Revolutionary War, Scotch-Irish, Tennessee, Virginia. Book Cover. Genealogical Research in Southwest Virginia. Book Cover Genealogical Research in Eastern Kentucky. Book Cover. The Bear Man. The real story of how Lewis Green, companion of Daniel Boone, survived a bear attack. Book Cover. Blackjack Ballard. The true story of a Kentucky murder and the shootout at the courthouse. contact information home navigation services of company designing editing family researching typesetting webmaking writing publishing information contract distribution formats marketing submission contact address email catalog of books new complete about the company history mission home navigation