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Please note our specific interest areas in each subject category. We are most interested in books that deal with people and events in Central Appalachia. We are open to fiction that has a well-researched historical base.

CIVIL WAR Personal stories, no battle chronicles
COLONIAL TIMES Early settlements of mountain areas
FAMILY STORIES Sustained narratives of a person or family
FOLKLORE Tales, music, dance, legends, oral history, proverbs, foods, popular beliefs, customs
FRONTIER WARS French and Indian, Dunsmore, and the like
KENTUCKY Eastern region, the mountain areas
MELUNGEON Interested in all credible theories
NATIVE AMERICAN Native Americans dwelling in or near Appalachians
NORTH CAROLINA Western region
REFERENCE Encyclopedic and how-to works
RELIGION All denominations and faiths, unique beliefs (for example, snake-handling)
REVOLUTIONARY WAR Ancestors of mountain families who fought in war
SCOTCH-IRISH History and stories, 1700–1850
TENNESSEE Establishment of state, eastern region
VIRGINIA Southwestern area and migrations to it
WEST VIRGINIA Pre-statehood, prior to 1863
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